Digital Exclusives
We interview several prominent Wharton community members and let them explain their dreams and accomplishments: Lindsay Beck, S.A. Ibrahim, Neel Kashkari, Dr. Rajiv Shah and Jeff Weiner.
A diverse community of Wharton alumni is involved in exciting ventures in finance, agribusiness, hospitality and more in Kenya.
One of Wharton’s leading alumni in private equity defends the business.
A new giving tool, the Making History Impact Annuity, is a unique way to participate in Penn’s Making History Campaign in support of Wharton today, while providing you with a secure stream of income tomorrow.
In seeking strong financial returns for the long run, though, the short-term strategies that seem so prevalent today might undermine the efforts of an investor. I argue that we can learn a lot about successful investing from Lady Gaga.
Something as simple as a hammer and a nail can provide insight on long-term investing.
In considering the extraordinary complexity of the intersection of politics, policy and economics, it might be instructive to consider the works of both Aristotle and Adam Smith.
You can make a charitable gift to Wharton, receive a partial charitable income tax deduction and annual fixed payments for life.
As a consultant and teacher for over 20 years, I’ve had the opportunity to work with many major companies, and I’ve seen a shocking lack of skill at dealing effectively with people, especially those who are different.
Speaking recently at a conference, I was asked, “What’s your leadership style?” Right away, Wharton’s Leadership 101 course came to mind.
A Charitable Lead Trust is an attractive way to provide an annual stream of income to Wharton and distribute the principal to whomever the donor chooses, typically children or grandchildren.
Robert M. Levy WG74, Anne Welsh McNulty WG79, Joseph G. Ansanelli W92, Robert A. McLauchlan WG78, Robert L. Losner WG85, and Jon M. Huntsman W59 HON96 talk about the importance of giving back.
Sam Lundquist, Associate Dean for External Affairs returns to Wharton and shares his fundraising efforts with "The Campaign for Wharton."
Doug Woodring, WG'95, is an environmental consultant and start-up expert who has been working towards removing hundreds of square miles of garbage from a polluted North Pacific.
The summer issue of Wharton Magazine, which, barring some kind of calamity, should be arriving in your mailbox by mid-July.