The books in the Wharton Executive Essentials series from Wharton Digital Press are available both as ebooks  and as paperback editions sold through  online retailers. Each offers a quick read and penetrating, comprehensive  summaries of the knowledge needed to lead and excel in today’s competitive business environment.

In much the same vein, we give you a quick-reading summary of why the series is worth your attention. The books are:

  1. Inspired by Wharton’s Executive Education program
  2. Authored by internationally known Wharton professors George  S. Day, Peter Fader, Barbara E. Kahn and Richard A. Lambert. 
  3. Filled with real-life business examples and actionable advice
  4. Available in mobile and paperback formats

Here are additional details on the books in the Wharton Executive Essentials series:


Innovation Prowess:  A framework for achieving superior rates of organic growth

Achieving superior growth through innovation is a  top strategic priority for  all companies. Yet most  management teams struggle  to reach their firm’s ambitious  targets and suffer slow growth.  What distinguishes these  laggards from growth leaders  like IBM, Nike, LEGO , American  Express, Amazon and Samsung?  George S. Day, the Geoffrey  T. Boisi Professor and codirector  of the Mack Institute for Innovation Management, reveals  how growth leaders use their  innovation prowess to accelerate  development. In this essential  guide, Day shows how to build  this prowess by combining  discipline in growth-seeking  activities with an organizational  ability to innovate.

Global Brand Power:  The branding bible for  today’s globalized world

KahnFinalToday, brands have become even more important than the products they represent: their stories travel with lightning speed through social media  and across countries and  diverse cultures. Strong  brands are more than globally  recognizable; they are  critical assets that can make  a significant contribution  to a company’s bottom  line. Global Brand Power by Barbara E. Kahn, the Patty and Jay H. Baker Professor of Marketing and director of the Jay H. Baker Retailing  Center, is filled with stories  that reveal the latest in what leading companies  are doing today to leverage their brands.

Financial Literacy:  The language of businessFinancial-Literacy-for-Managers

To understand how your business is performing and how to evaluate and devise new strategies to boost  future performance, you  need information. Financial statements are a critical source. In direct and simple  terms, Richard A. Lambert,  Wharton’s Miller-Sherrerd  Professor of Accounting,  demystifies financial  statements and concepts and  shows the reader how to apply  this information to make  better business decisions for  long-term profit. Learn from the likes of Pepsi, Krispy Kreme and General Motors,  and apply financial know-how to develop a coherent business strategy.

Customer Centricity:  Not all customers are created equal 

CustomerCentricityDespite what the tired adage says, the customer is not always right. Not all customers deserve your best efforts. In the world of customer centricity, there  are good customers…and then there is pretty much everybody else. Renowned behavioral data expert Peter Fader, the Frances and Pei-Yuan Chia Professor of Marketing and co-director of the Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative, provides insights to help organizations revamp their performance metrics, product development and customer relationship management to make sure they focus directly on the needs of  their most valuable customers and increase profits for the long term.