December 17, 2008
The Shanghai Daily analyzed recent research co-authored by assistant professor of real estate Albert Saiz on cities’ efforts to attract new residents.
Finance professor Franklin Allen noted in Financial Week that central bankers and economists erred in forecasting the current economic downturn.
December 16, 2008
As a guest on CNN’s Lou Dobbs Tonight, real estate and finance professor Susan Wachter commented on the Federal Reserve’s recent action saying, “[It was] necessary but not sufficient. In deflation, who lends?”
Joseph Gyorko, Wharton real estate and finance professor, co-wrote the “today’s Economist” column in the New York Times, suggesting how to revamp U.S. housing policy.
December 9, 2008
The lack of a foreign auto maker backlash is “validation they’re good corporate citizens,” suggested John Paul MacDuffie, a Wharton Management Department associate professor, in the New York Times.
“Malls can’t be mundane in this economic climate,” Wharton marketing professor Stephen Hoch told Reuters, discussing the results of a new study on shopping malls conducted by Wharton’s Baker Retail Initiative and the Verde Group.
US News & World Report overviewed a study of employee incentives used to achieve weight loss coauthored by Wharton Health Care Management/ Penn medicine professor Kevin G. Volpp.
December 5, 2008
In the Wall Street Journal management professors Michael Useem and John Paul MacDuffie contributed an op-ed titled, “the GM Plan Doesn’t Go Far Enough.”
December 4, 2008
Real estate professor Susan Wachter weighs in on the U.S. Treasury Department’s plan to reduce mortgage rates as low as 4.5 percent. PBS’ News Hour.
December 1, 2008
Wharton finance professor Franklin Allen was among the economists featured in the New Yorker’s “Anatomy of a Meltdown.”