The Catalyst: How to Change Anyone’s Mind
Jonah Berger
The New York Times bestselling marketing professor reveals five hidden factors that inhibit change and how by mitigating them, we can become change agents.
The Coldest Warrior
Paul Vidich WG81
In his third novel, the spy author presents a tale of paranoia and espionage based on the true story of a cold case from the 1950s and a CIA officer who searches for answers.
The Lemonade Life
Zack Friedman WG08
If you’re not living up to your potential, the motivational speaker/CEO offers inspirational anecdotes and identifies five internal switches that when activated can fuel success.
Parents Who Lead
Stewart Friedman
The Wharton Work/Life Integration Project director and co-author Alyssa Westring show how parents can harness the science of leadership to thrive in all aspects of life.
Published as “More Must-Read Wharton Authors” in the Spring/Summer 2020 issue of Wharton Magazine.