In this episode of the Knowledge@Wharton program, (originally aired on Sirius XM Channel 111, Business Radio Powered by The Wharton School), marketing consultant Jim Rowbotham WG69 and advertising executive Tom Hadlock WG66, two members of the Wharton Emeritus Society featured in Wharton Magazine’s “The Power of Age” feature, join host Dan Loney to discuss the growing push for people to continue working past the age of 70. Both Rowbotham and Hadlock feel that they are currently doing some of the best work of their lives, and that working past the age of retirement has helped keep their minds sharp and allowed their creativity to reach its peak.

“It’s sort of a health/therapy thing to continue working,” says Hadlock. “I believe the busier you are and the more you’re challenged, the more the mind [and] the body responds in a positive way. It sort of keeps you going and keeps you in a very proactive, type-A kind of setting.”

Rowbotham and Hadlock also explore the advantages of being senior members of their respective industries, noting the essential perspective older people bring to media; the benefits of working with and learning from millennials; and the importance of taking classes and watching webinars to exercise their brains and stay in the know.


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