Digital Exclusives
As time progresses, one better appreciates the scale of the devastation in Japan.
Looking back on 2010 at Wharton
Robert M. Levy WG74, Anne Welsh McNulty WG79, Joseph G. Ansanelli W92, Robert A. McLauchlan WG78, Robert L. Losner WG85, and Jon M. Huntsman W59 HON96 talk about the importance of giving back.
Research on the governance of U.S. companies in recent years suggests that company directors are more engaged as both shareholder monitors of management
What makes MBA Pub such a beloved part of the Wharton MBA experience? Wharton Magazine visits Pub to find out.
The Wharton Follies, Wharton's own performance group, presented their 2010 Spring Show, "34th Annual Follies Awards: It's a Dishonor Just to be Nominated."
The science is clear: Your career is shaped, at least in part, by your genetic makeup.
From real estate to the oil industry, medicine to investment banking, Wharton alumni help each other launch their careers, change their careers and advance their careers - even in the most challenging job market in decades.
On October 22, 2009, William L. Mack W61 was awarded the Dean's Medal. This video features the ceremony in which the real estate developer received the honor from Dean Thomas S. Robertson.
Wharton Faculty and Alumni Identify Economic Leadership Opportunities at Global Alumni Forum in Cape Town.
"I learned early in life that you should be engaged and involved with the institutions that are important to you, not to leave it to chance or someone else,” says Frank Fountain, a Wharton Overseer. “That’s why I’ve chosen to be engaged with Wharton."
Thomas S. Robertson—Wharton’s 13th dean—moves at the speed of business.
A returning alumnus reflects on the road to MBA Pre-Term.
125 years ago, Wharton was a radical idea. To celebrate the ideas it inspired, Wharton looks at the past and the future.