Digital Exclusives
When Jeremy Siegel spoke to Wharton alumni at the School’s 2010 Reunion Weekend, his message was simple and clear: Stocks are still the answer.
Reunion Weekend is under way here at Wharton, and Wharton Dean Thomas S. Robertson helped kick off the weekend with his annual “State of the School Address."
Of course, "content" is certainly important. Every great magazine needs great writing. But great photography? Well, great photography really makes a difference.
The Penn Club of New York, which has served as a home away from campus for Penn and Wharton alumni for the past two decades, has been named a NYC landmark.
Just yesterday, after one last round of proofreading, we here sent our spring issue off to the printer. And I must say: You’ve got something to look forward to.
Wharton alumae Lei Wang, WG'03, leaves next month for Mount Everest, where she will spend the next two months preparing for a run at the summit in late May.
With the Phillies preparing to take on the New York Yankees in the World Series, the Penn Glee Club has composed a special number in honor of the defending world champions, with special mention to Phillies President and Wharton alumnus, David Montgomery.
An update on Wharton’s Campaign for Sustained Leadership
School News
Meet Five Wharton Alums Who Inhabit a Brave New World of Hospital Acquisitions, Corporate Bureaucracy and State-of-the-Art Patient Care
Lee S. Hillman, W'77, Lucinda B. Duncalfe, WG'91, Roland Wolfram, WG'86
Students and alumni launch an imaginative array of new products, from micromovies to imaging machines to ear warmers.
Wharton News
With so many options to choose from, proponents of changing the Social Security system agree on only one thing: delaying the process will be disastrous.
Investing in Others: Four Alumni Get Involved in Community Service