Digital Exclusives
Wharton woman Rita Strough uses her Wharton degree as a toolkit to change the world and brandishes it as a badge of honor, especially after how hard she fought for it.
As the buying power of Hispanic millennials increases, brands must focus more on earning their business and loyalty, writes marketing guru Jeff Fromm.
Social media strategy isn’t just about targeting the right audience or canvassing the right platform with your content. It’s about relationships and using technology to strengthen them.
Facebook is winning social commerce, but as brands continue to leverage social media to boost sales, expect more players to give chase. Jeff Fromm explains why.
What gets millennials’ attention and wins their loyalty? Marketing expert Jeff Fromm lets brands in on what they ought to know.
Marketing analytics professor David Schweidel says shifts in practice for social media platforms are a liability. What should marketers do about them?
CMOs can do well by following four guiding principles adopted by brands like Uber, Airbnb, Nike and Virgin, writes Lippincott CEO Risk Wise.
For those members of the Class of 2015 looking to enter the marketing profession, chief marketing officer David T. Scott has three gems of advice.
Learn from the experiences of one of the nation’s largest airports, which studied and segmented its customers to better brand itself in a crowded market.
Marketers do still have time to learn to speak in pictures and engage with their consumers successfully, according to Wharton alumnus Parry Bedi.
Marketers can improve their lead generation program by following a few easy steps, according to the Fighting CMO David T. Scott.
Marketers should remember this mantra: Being social drives engagement, engagement drives loyalty and advocacy, and both of those lead to increased sales.
With Valentine’s Day near, chief analytics officer Michael Housman ponders the similarities between personal relationships and business partnerships.
Bruce Kasanoff once was a manager who earned his stripes in marketing and sales the hard way. Learn from how he handled a potential customer relations disaster.
Four ways for marketing leaders to survive today’s new era of big data and financial impacts, from chief marketing officer David Scott.
Businesses need to make the case that consumers have something to gain by sharing personal data and "friending" them, argues Emory Professor David Schweidel.