Digital Exclusives
For the second summer in a row, Carlos Vega joined Wharton entrepreneurs at 2401 Walnut St. He was all business this year landing a multibillion-dollar client.
The West Coast Class 37 has graduated. This post honors them, their families and everyone else who helped them along the way.
The third annual Wharton Iron Prof gave faculty a chance to shine and students the chance to vote them “off the show.”
Learning to lead by watching Lincoln.
Last year, Wharton Magazine highlighted the work of more than a dozen Wharton-inspired entrepreneurs. We return this year with six more startups to watch.
The 2012-2013 Wharton Business Plan Competition is kicking off with a new format for Phase 1.
How to build a successful, sustainable privately held enterprise, and why it will hold advantages over its publicly held counterparts.