Number of times the ASC program has been activated by MBA Career Management — in 2020, 2021, 2023, and 2024
Alumni who have volunteered to participate in ASC since 2020
Ways Wharton alumni can engage with ASC: sharing job opportunities,
providing career advice, accessing résumé books to share with networks, and giving to the Wharton MBA Internship Fund
Résumé books shared via ASC
Graduates who have offered career advice through the program
Types of career opportunities posted through the program: internship, full-time, executive, and board
Alumni in CareerPath, MBA Career Management’s online platform for all things related to career support
Tools in CareerPath that MBA alumni can use themselves, including advising appointments, a job board, and the CareerPath Connections platform, where they can cultivate relationships with students and other alumni for ASC
Minutes to fill out the ASC intake form
Dedicated resources in total for alumni seeking career support for themselves, including two complimentary career coaching appointments for MBA alumni each year
Students supported in 2023 through the MBA Internship Fund, which assists Wharton MBAs who accept unpaid or low-paid internship offers
Alumni who have indicated interest in posting to the job board
Typical length of an MBA alumni career coaching appointment in minutes
Published as “In Times of Need” in the Spring/Summer 2024 issue of Wharton Magazine.