We here at Wharton Magazine have been working hard to make this magazine more entertaining and more engaging than ever before.
And while we think we’re well on our way, we certainly don’t think we have all the answers.
This is your alumni magazine, after all, and we want your ideas on how to make it even better.
Starting today, we’re asking you to tweet us your ideas for a new feature in the magazine. Have an idea for great column? A new feature in Debrief? Or maybe something for the Class Notes section? Well, here’s your chance to share it. And to give you some additional incentive, we’re giving away one Wharton tee-shirt per day. But you can’t win the tee-shirt if you don’t tweet.
We’ll collect ideas through Feb. 8. In mid-February, we’ll post the best ideas we receive in a poll on our website. Then we’ll let you, our readers, vote for the feature you’d most like to see in the magazine going forward.
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to write us at any time at magazine@wharton.upenn.edu. Or, of course, tweet us directly @whartonmagazine.
Thanks for reading–and let the tweeting begin.