We may never have learned about the importance of strengthening our core muscles for safe exercise and everyday living—or sports buffs may never have heard about the dreaded “sports hernia”—if not for Dr. William Meyers, WG’03. Through 25 years and 15,000 patients, the Wharton MBA for Executives alumnus is still the pioneer in what he terms “core muscle injuries” (do not use the term “sports hernia” around him; he doesn’t like it). He’s treated everyone from the U.S. National Soccer Team to million-dollar athletes from nearly every professional sports league, to high school athletes and moms and dads. He believes so much in the cause that he launched his own institute to tackle it, the Philadelphia-based Vincera Institute.

Wharton Magazine interviewed this “Wharton Leader” for the Summer 2014 edition, explored everything from why he pursued an MBA in his early 50s to how he discovered new treatment options for core muscle injuries.


Listen to an excerpt of our interview with Dr. Meyers in which he explains the importance of an integrative approach to core muscle injuries.



Read the full transcript of Wharton Magazine’s interview with Dr. William Meyers.