Digital Exclusives
Research on the governance of U.S. companies in recent years suggests that company directors are more engaged as both shareholder monitors of management
The most popular recent titles from Wharton School Publishing
Quarterly Earnings and the Short-term Pressure to Perform
The Gulf oil leak has been plugged. But have we learned anything?
Ever heard of Gustavus W. Smith? Unless you’re a Civil War buff, you probably haven’t. Because when history came calling, Smith backed down.
Indian business leaders do things their own way -- 'The India Way'
A sampling of recent news stories featuring Wharton alumni, faculty and staff.
Professors Franklin Allen, Mike Useem, Jeremy Siegel, and Stephen Hoch on the state of the economy now and in the year to come.
The latest news features a donation to Wharton's sports business program and a new associate dean
Alumni and Professors Celebrate First Day of Wharton Classes
Wharton's World-Class Faculty: The Campaign for Sustained Leadership
MBAs get their feet wet, literally, at boot camp training program
Wharton Prophets on Profits - and a Host of Other Economic Issues
Wharton Executive MBA trek to Mount Everest inspires new insights into leadership and teamwork -- plus a few ideas for start-up ventures.
Recent Projects From Wharton Faculty
Recent Projects from Wharton Faculty