Digital Exclusives
Ever wish you could call or text a Wharton professor with a burning business question or to get a quick take on a headline-making trend? Eleven faculty members fielded queries about everything from workplace changes to the impacts of ChatGPT to the state of affairs for cryptocurrency and social media regulation.
Wharton alumni tackling global disruptions and faculty experts share horror stories, adaptation strategies, and outlooks for the future.
Videos and readings from professor Mauro Guillén’s popular COVID-19 class provide insights on managing global business in uncertain times.
Recent research by Wharton graduate students and professors reveals the ripple effects of our online shopping habits.
Wharton Prophets on Profits - and a Host of Other Economic Issues
If you have ever examine the inner workings of a camera or coffee maker, car or mountain bike, you and Professor Karl Ulrich will have a lot to talk about. His bottom line: Design Matters.
Driving Change