The Wall Street Journal, CNN Money, Politico—just a few of the media outlets who’ve written about the new Penn Wharton Budget Model. See Policy Playground for the full story.
Assistant professor of management Ethan Mollick released the first study of Kickstarter’s impact. The site has created 8,800 businesses/nonprofits and 29,600 full-time jobs.
Wharton dean Geoffrey Garrett was named a LinkedIn influencer, joining an invite-only group of thought leaders that includes Bill Gates, Richard Branson and Deepak Chopra.
Huntsman Hall opened a four-room lactation suite for nursing mothers. Up next: construction of gender-neutral bathrooms in the building.
The Wharton Business Plan Competition is now called the Penn Wharton Startup Challenge. This year’s winner of its $30,000 Perlman Prize: BioCellection, which uses bacteria to degrade unrecyclable plastics (the first-ever undergrad project to take the top prize).
Jessica Ross WG15 is working to connect students at the San Francisco campus with a local $10,000 scholarship for women pursuing careers in finance.
This fall sees the debut of three highly anticipated additions to campus: the Pennovation Center, the Perry World House and the New College House.
Retired NFL defensive end and two-time Super Bowl champion Justin Tuck WG18 begins his pursuit of an MBA this semester. Here’s something ex-Giants don’t often hear in Philly: Welcome!
A study on “startup survival” co-authored by Wharton assistant professor Ron Berman shows that an entrepreneur’s level of experience usually has little impact on a startup’s success.
The triennial Penn Spectrum Weekend kicked off in September, celebrating cultural diversity with dialogues, networking events, performances and socials.
A $1 million gift from Vernon Hill W67 and his wife Shirley will establish a scholarship to develop MBA projects focused on livestock industries and global food security.
The Wharton Lunch & Learn program pairs undergrads with a professor for a bite and relaxed conversation outside the classroom.
Students who complete a free Coursera class in Social Impact can apply for a scholarship for a week-long educational stay at the Global Social Impact House in Costa Rica.
Published as “Ticker” in the Fall 2016 issue of Wharton Magazine.