Digital Exclusives
The power of Wharton. It gives graduates the ability to thrive in the spotlight. A place alumni tend to boldly seek out. How have you felt the Wharton Effect?
Several months into his unique investment career, Seena Mortazavi finds no shortage of highs and lows. What's his latest challenge?
The former Charles Schwab CEO shares the story of one of his toughest challenges with Penn students. Our student contributor reflects on the takeaways.
A young alumna takes a risk assessment of her life and chooses art over finance—yet her current exhibit is an innovative, irreverent blend of both worlds.
Magazine contributor and Wharton alumnus Peter Cohan is seeking answers and assistance from his readers for an upcoming book project. Read more and volunteer.
Career coach Hira Fernando offers three simple rules to figure out career options after an MBA ... beyond just following the crowd.
Current MBA student Matt Carey explains the three reasons he and his co-founders are taking the entrepreneurial plunge.
What’s made the Wharton MBA for Executives Program special over the past five decades and continues to make it a leader today? It has anticipated students’ changing demands and expectations.
The Watch List identifies products, services and companies emanating from the Wharton community that are worthy of your attention. In this case: books written by alumni.
A new service by Wharton MBA Career Management helps senior-level alumni to further themselves by pairing them with appropriate boards.
Alumni Spotlight: John Gachora
Like everything else in his life, Jon M. Huntsman Sr. proceeded in a forthright way with his recently published autobiography—and held no punches.
It's not too late for a New Year’s resolution to reform your hard-driving business ways. Follow the path of reformed CEO and corporate warrior Jason Garner.
Wharton MBA alumnus Bob Natiello wants to know if tattoos hinder careers and salary potential as much as they used to.
Millennials need to fight biases with bosses and clients to ensure their careers do not suffer. Entrepreneur (and millennial) Atish Davda offers a solution.
Sharen J. Turney, president and CEO of Victoria’s Secret, shares her story about living and working with passion and purpose.