Oliver Chen WG06

39; managing director and head of retail and luxury equity research at Cowen and Company, LLC; has been ranked as a top equity research stock analyst in retail and luxury goods

Secret to your success? I believe there is always something more to learn in a world where we see radical changes, and I embrace a process of constant improvement. With equity research in a constant state of evolution, I also spend time imagining what it means to be innovative and how to provide insights into the sector I cover in a way that can create value for investors and companies. It is not enough to provide historical analysis or even reflect on the impact of markets today. Our team has to discover the trends, create a mosaic of differentiated data, take a stand on predictions, and determine who will succeed and who may not.

Toughest obstacle you’ve overcome? It was culturally and economically shocking when I moved from Natchitoches, Louisiana, to attend a New England boarding school when I was 12. The transition was painful for the first few years, because it was an entirely different environment than I was accustomed to and I wanted to go back home. However, the differences were formative on my perspective: I remember writing goals on index cards every year, classmates from many countries, and formal dinners where it was important to be engaging and interesting and contribute.



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