Mark Wales WG14

37; CEO, The Younger Heroes, which reconnects veteran parents with their children; CEO, Kill_Kapture, an apparel company that sells military inspired leather jackets; former Australian special ops soldier and Australian Survivor contestant
Proudest professional accomplishment? Bringing Kill_Kapture to life despite the resistance I faced. People were offended by the name, the style, and the branding—but sometimes you have to stick to your guns and show, don’t tell. Once people saw what I was driving toward, they immediately understood. It’s resonated with all the people Madison Avenue has forgotten about.
Toughest obstacle you’ve overcome? Having depression after war service. We were trained to fight, but not how to battle mental illness. It took a lot of initiative and self-discipline to overcome it. Through this process, I learned that exercise, healthy eating, and rest are the foundation for resilience and performance. I still have those habits today.