Global Forum Goes to Asia
Shanghai, China
The 53rd Global Forum kicks off for three days in Shanghai on March 7. The organizing committee—led by chairman Joe Tian WG98 and honorary chairs Yu Gang GRW90 PAR20 and E-House chairman/CEO Zhou Xin—is welcoming the Global Forum to their city for the third time. For registration and an up-to-date schedule of speakers and programming, visit the Shanghai Global Forum website.

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Examining Emerging Economies
Bogotá, Colombia
Alumni and students enjoyed a dinner reception as part of a Global Modular Course, “Conducting Business in Emerging Economies: Colombia,” in May. In attendance at the event were Ziv Katalan, adjunct professor of operations, information, and decisions and managing director of Wharton Global Initiatives, and Philip M. Nichols, Joseph Kolodny Professor of Social Responsibility in Business and professor of legal studies and business ethics.

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And It Feels So Good
San Francisco, USA
Fall is the season for reunions if you’re a proud alumnus of the MBA Program for Executives. WEMBA San Francisco gathered in October for a weekend that included a cocktail reception, an alumni pub, a family brunch, and Joe Talks. Not to be outdone, East Coast WEMBAs enjoyed a full slate of programming and celebration two weeks later in Philadelphia.

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Nonpartisan Policy Making
Washington, D.C., USA
The first Penn Wharton Budget Model Spring Policy Forum drew a sold-out crowd to the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center in June. Sessions featured a government data deep dive with Steve Ballmer, former Microsoft CEO and founder of USAFacts, which is powered by the Penn Wharton Budget Model; PWBM director and Boettner Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy Kent Smetters talking advances in public policy modeling; and legal studies and business ethics professor Kevin Werbach examining blockchain’s potential for government use. For insights from the panel on cybersecurity, see page 34.

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Milestone Meeting
Philadelphia, USA
The Wharton Women’s Summit celebrated its 20th event in September and pulled out all the stops to deliver a star-studded day of panels, workshops, keynotes, and conversation at the Union League. Among the highlights: Wharton People Analytics executive director and host of Women@Work on Wharton Business Radio Laura Zarrow moderated a conversation with Susan Somersille Johnson WG91, CMO of SunTrust Banks, and Match Group CEO Mandy Ginsberg WG01. (For more on Ginsberg, see page 65.)

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Two Schools, One Alliance
Fontainebleau, France
In August, Wharton announced the renewal of its strategic alliance with INSEAD by extending its partnership through 2021, which will mark the 20th year of the Wharton-INSEAD Alliance. Led by Wharton Joshua J. Harris Marketing Professor and Baker Retailing Center academic director Thomas S. Robertson and Gavin Cassar, research director of the INSEAD-Wharton Alliance, the collaboration encompasses a broad range of joint worldwide activities spanning six campuses: MBA and PhD student exchanges; collaborative research and teaching initiatives for faculty and doctoral students; and faculty exchanges.

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Pitch Perfect
Mumbai, India
Cricket devotee Aayush Tapuriah WG17 couldn’t find a bat that delivered on performance, reliability, and style, so he started a company to make his own. For more, see page 10.

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Thought Leadership on Tour
Tokyo, Japan
A new season of Joe Talks events kicked off in October at the Imperial Hotel with rapid-fire faculty presentations on transformation in the mobility sector (John Paul MacDuffie), protecting the integrity of algorithms (Philip M. Nichols), and nation branding (David Reibstein). Each Joe Talks is followed by a reception with industry thought leaders, alumni, and faculty. Missed out on Tokyo? Check the Joe Talks website for details on the lineups for Philadelphia, Miami, New York, Washington, and São Paulo, running January through June.
Editor’s note: Joe Talks are now part of Wharton’s global More Than Ever campaign tour, with stops in all of these cities. For details, visit the More Than Ever tour website.
Published as “Wharton’s Global Impact” in the Fall/Winter 2018 issue of Wharton Magazine.