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Divinity Matovu WG17

Divinity Matovu WG17
Divinity Matovu WG17

31; community program manager at Lyft; founder/CEO at MBA Mama; founder/CEO at Watotolly, a consumer tech platform for babysitting resources

Best advice you’ve been given? My grandmother always told me, “It ain’t what they call you, it’s what you answer to.” For me, this means being strong and authentically self-aware and staying focused on who I am in a world that can be less than kind.

Proudest professional accomplishment? Walking across the stage during graduation from Wharton with my daughter on Mother’s Day 2017 was by far the most memorable professional accomplishment of my life. I completed my MBA as a single mom and first-generation MBA student. I made a real impact at Wharton by leading initiatives like the installment of lactation rooms at Huntsman Hall. I also experienced immense personal growth. Sharing such a special moment at commencement with my daughter while thousands of friends, colleagues, and family cheered us on was exceptional and represented breaking a cycle of generational poverty in my family.



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