Is it time to retire the daunting word “goal” and substitute a more appealing word, such as intention, aim, purpose or desire?
For some, the word is a turnoff because it carries too much pressure, requiring tangible results and accountability. All too often we are judged by our results, when in reality results are simply a reference point to see if we are creating the life and experiences that make us feel fulfilled.
I find the word “goal” to be a positive word because it represents moving toward something that is meaningful, fulfilling and exciting. I feel incredibly empowered when I successfully move out of my comfort zone. This feeling of accomplishment helps me think expansively about additional possibilities.
Ultimately, the responsibility falls on each of us to bring positive energy into our life, family, team and society. Therefore, if “goal” doesn’t motivate you, change it. Your challenge is to design a goal that makes you feel alive, engaged and inspired. As long as your goal, intention or purpose means something special to you, it’s a good one.
A more approachable way to think about goals is to view them as a path that will increase the chances of a desired outcome. We use maps to get directions and plan our trips and vacations, don’t we?Think of goal- or intention-setting as another way to arrive at your personal and professional vision.
Setting a goal or purpose is an effective way to make sure you don’t leave any of your potential on the table. Even a small amount of progress can be the momentum you need to make a change. Chances are, you will be further along than if you did nothing.
Think about what you would love to accomplish this year that would bring you great joy and fulfillment.
Do you want to move into a management role?
Would you like to carve out time to train for your first triathlon?
Is it time to change jobs and do something that you enjoy?
I’ve seen clients achieve incredible results when they go after a goal and put themselves on the line. Yes, sometimes you don’t completely achieve your goal or meet your target date. But that’s OK.
When I decided to write my first book Living in YOUR Top 1%, I set a goal to publish it by January 2011. However, we had to make some necessary edits and move the date to February 2011. And the project was still successful and has inspired thousands.
The bottom line is: If the word “goal” doesn’t float your boat and inspire you to take action, then change the word. The key is to turn your ideas into actions however you can. Don’t get derailed because a simple word triggers you. Take charge and find an appealing substitute to take that step forward.