Thirteen people sporting Wharton apparel pose for a photo on a pickleball court.
Wayne Hao WG11 writes: “Wharton made history by winning the inaugural MBA SoCal Pickleball Championship! Competing against seven other schools (Berkeley Haas, Chicago, Columbia, HBS, Kellogg, MIT, and Stanford) with 25 teams total, not only did Wharton take home both the gold and silver medals, but the tournament raised over $33,000 for educational charity Minds Matter and started what we hope will be a lasting annual tradition here in Southern California.”
Two dozen people stand in a ballroom in business attire for a photo.
More than 25 Wharton alumni and spouses gathered in London earlier this year for an evening of drinks and discussion at the Reform Club, organized by the full-time MBA Class of 1991. A good time was had by all!
Two men in motorcycle suits pose in front of two motorcycles.
Keith Goldan WG02 and Peter Haabestad WG02 continue to be up to their thrill-seeking antics 22 years later, racing motorcycles.
More than two dozen alumni in business attire pose for a photo.
Cohort E members from the full-time MBA Class 1994 at Wharton MBA Reunion Weekend in May
A dozen alumni stand in front of a golf course.
WG90 classmates Tom Trynin and Doug Present hosted a spring golf extravaganza in the New York City area, playing three courses in three days with other members of the class: Tim O’Hara, Peter Morin, Todd Shamus Binet, David Mussafer, Jay Mantz, Adam Finerman, Mark Weinsten, Scotty Hammond, Dale Sailer, Jim Harrington, and John McAdam. Jeff Marine and Tony Stein joined for cocktails.
Three alumnae stand outside in front of an entryway.
WG80 alumni Sandi Haber Sweeney, Jane Becker Imber, and Mary Ellen Hennessy-Jones at a lunch meetup in New Hope, PA
A man in a light blue suit and a woman in colorful attire pose for a selfie.
Gary Low WG04 and Anjali Kalyani WG04 take a selfie during Wharton MBA Reunion Weekend in Philadelphia.
Alumni in suits smiling and cheering for a photo on a New York rooftop.
Tom Wiese WG87 writes: “I had a great time attending a Wharthog rugby reunion at the Penn Club in NYC on July 10 hosted by Jeff Montgomery G87 WG87 and his lovely wife, Valerie! It was fun to reconnect with the hosts and my other former teammates Kirt Gardner WG87 and his wife, Chesca, John Steward G87 WG87, Jon Kempner WG87, Todd Freeman G87 WG87, Kit Boyatt G87 WG87, Peter Gelpi WG87, Bob Petit WG86, Conrad Bringsjord WG87, Rick Williams WG87, and George Hall WG86.”
Alumna Adrienne Halper and actor Tony Goldwyn stand in front of a backdrop with the words G02 for Lung Cancer.
Chappaqua, NY, resident Adrienne Halper W79 was in New York City in June as chair of the GO2 for Lung Cancer board of directors. The board convened in the city to honor actor Tony Goldwyn (Oppenheimer, Ezra, Law & Order) with the Rays of Hope Award. Adrienne has been chair of the GO2 for Lung Cancer board since 2005.
Four alumni in business attire sit around a round table enjoying lunch.
WG91 alumni Jordan Foster, Evan Sturza, Pat LaVecchia, and Sami Karam at a lunch gathering in New York

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