Digital Exclusives
The More Than Ever fundraising effort brought together Wharton alumni, supporters, and friends from all over the world, raising a record-setting one billion dollars. What does that mean for Wharton? In a word: everything.
The $5 million Wharton gift is the largest cryptocurrency donation ever received by Penn.
A podcast by the Wharton Fintech Club is spreading the word about this fast-growing sector and the alumni at its vanguard.
We asked six Wharton professors to cut through the media (and social media) hype and partisan posturing to forecast the long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on their areas of expertise (including one sector that, despite some gloomy predictions, may prove to be immune to the coronavirus).
The Federal Reserve should encourage banks to manage their own risk and incentivize lending, says the senior director of the Harris Alternative Investments Program.
The senior director of the Harris Alternative Investments Program examines one of the challenges with the plan to bail out small businesses crippled by COVID-19.
Dean Garrett reflects on his tenure and identifies three themes that will shape the School's bright future.
Two new Wharton initiatives made possible by alumni will drive innovation in fintech and alternative investments.
The new Tangen Hall will serve as an essential hub for innovation and entrepreneurship on campus.
A letter from Dean Geoffrey Garrett, published in the Spring/Summer 2019 issue.
Dean Geoffrey Garrett describes three recent moments that have convinced him that fintech is the future.