John Riady WG09

John Riady WG09
John Riady WG09

32; executive director, Lippo Group; managing partner, Venturra Capital; chairman, Siloam Hospitals

Secret to your success? I don’t think I’ve achieved success yet. Success entails an entire life lived right. Building businesses that will change people’s lives. Consistently creating value over long periods of time. Being a good steward of what’s entrusted to you. I hope you will have reason to still ask me this question many years down the road.

Proudest professional accomplishment? The first business I built—the media company Beritasatu. I recognize that what my grandfather and father have built—the Lippo Group—has given me a unique platform to work with. But it was really the first time I felt that I’d accomplished something on my own. As a grandchild of the founder and the child of a successful second generation, you grow up wondering if you would be able to build anything of your own accord, and with Beritasatu, I felt it was a first step.



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